Working Class Customs, Supplying Affordable Rides so everyone can enjoy the freedom the open road gives.Specialising in Harley Davidson and Yamaha V Star. Custom and standard
Joe & Jim are a home based business that builds bikes for the love of it! In saying that we are qualified at what we do;
Joe has been a quality control manager for many years, so his eye for detail is second to none. Along with a resume of Car building and Business management makes him an asset to have around.
Jim is a qualified Aircraft Maintenance Engineer-Structures and spent over 10years working for Ansett Australia. Also has been in plant maintenance in various companies. Jim has done his Diploma in Business.
So together, WCC is made up of QUALITY & SKILL with guys PASSIONATE about what we do, help us make a fulltime gig out of this!
Just check out the 'Red Baron' for starters....more to come!